Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Book Review Alert: Talitha Koum! Girl Get Up and Write…

Book Review Alert: Talitha Koum! Girl Get Up and Write… 

Author: Sherrie “D” Lon

Published:  Sept 22, 2020

Publisher:  Kindle


Rating: 3 stars

Talitha Koum! Girl Get Up and Write…is full of expressions, ups & downs, high & lows, good & bad times, happy & sad times…….

This book allows you to experience L.I.F.E(what we call LIFE).  You get to see the author grow from a child to a young girl, from a young girl to a women.  The author uses poetry to speak to the challenges that are plaguing our  African American families/communities (spirituality & family issues).

In, closing I like how the author incorporated a sneak peek of her new book as a close to this book.  Leaves the readers wanting more now because they see another side of you other than poetry.  I want to see what Naomi is up to now. 

However I rate this book a 3.5 because interior design,  a little more color, change your fonts character & size you are well on your way to a successful 1st book.  (If you decide to revise great,  If not note for future projects).  I recommend this book to youth, young ladies and women book clubs and any one looking for strength.

(Talitha Koum!- Means “little girl, I say to you , Get Up!”) 

(Reviewed by Angela)

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