Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Meet Author Triveda S. Harris

Meet Author Triveda S. Harris

     Hello. I am Triveda S. Harris (44). I was born and raised in Spartanburg. SC. I am a mother of three children, one daughter and two son’s Kyla, Micah and Nathan. I am going to be a grandmother soon. My two older children will become parents in 2023. They keep me grounded and young. Even though I stress them out daily. 

     I am a stroke survivor and Chiari Malformation warrior. Chiari Malformation is a serious neurological brain condition that has no cure. I have an Associate Degree in Applied Science Medical Office Administration. I currently work as a Medical receptionist for an urgent care facility in Boiling Springs, SC. In addition to that I am a self published author and I just started my publishing company Wings Of Transformations Publishing LLC in December 2021. I have written three books. 

     My first book is a poetry book My Poetry, My Peace; My Soul Release. The second one is about my life and my condition Chiari Malformation Struggle, Strength & Success Chiari Malformation Won’t Win and my third one Overcoming Childhood Trauma; My Journey To Healing all are available on Amazon or you can purchase directly from me. I have also been part of my first anthology book in April 2022 and my first poetry anthology book in June 2022. 

     My journey as an author began two years ago. I did not know anything about publishing a book but I was willing to learn and teach myself because of my stroke and Chiari. They both have affected the way my brain operates and retains information. Chiari Malformation is a progressive condition so I have to keep my brain as active as possible which is the main reason I did not ask or seek help from anyone but God. I have had a lot of criticism along the way but I have seen my own growth and I am proud of my imperfect start. My favorite scripture is 2 Corinthians 5:7 Walk By Faith And Not By Sight because it was my faith in God that brought me through and what continues to guide me. God gets all the credit. I'm blessed to be one of His vessels.

How many books have you written and which is your favorite? 
        I’ve written three books and Overcoming Childhood Trauma My Journey To Healing is my favorite.

At what point do you think someone should call themselves a writer?
        The moment they put the work in and share it with others.

What advice would you give to a writer working on their first book?
        To just start and don’t overthink the process. You will never finish if you never start because you’re afraid.

Can you tell us a little about your current work?
        I work in an urgent care medical facility and it is a different day everyday. I love what I do because I am able to make people feel at ease when they are not feeling well.

What was your hardest scene to write, and why?
        The hardest scene to write was talking about my relationship with my children and how my lack of showing them my vulnerable side has affected them in ways I did not realize until I was writing the chapter. I had to apologize to each one of my children because they needed to see that side of me.

How do you develop your plot and characters?
       I have just shared my story as I have experienced it. So I did not have to develop that; I just had to put the experiences into written form.

How would you describe your book’s ideal reader?
        Someone who is looking to learn how they can overcome their trials and how 
they can heal from things that seem impossible just requires work and a lot of prayer. So building a relationship with God is key.

What do the words “literary success” mean to you? How do you picture it?
       If one person is affected by me sharing my journey or overcoming everything that was meant to hinder me. Then I am successful.

Would you share something about yourself that your readers don’t know (yet)?
        I collect porcelain teddy bear figurines and stuffed teddy bears. Even though I had to give some of my teddy bears away.

What would you like to say to your readers?
        I am very grateful that they have taken the time to read my book. Also that I hope that they know that just because they have been faced with hardships that they can still make the most of them. Find the smallest thing to smile about and carry that into the next day because all they will need is a mustard seed of faith to carry them through.

Click on the image to be redirected to a link for description and/or purchase. 
(Books can be purchased directly from the author by Cashapp to $WingsofTrans21) 

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