Saturday, September 2, 2023

Author Profile: Author Untamed/ Book Giveaway


Author Untamed

Tell us about yourself.

    Hello! My pen name is Untamed. I am an author, screenwriter, ghostwriter, columnist, podcaster, and film producer. Yes! I wear a different hat every day of the week, lol. My first love and how I was able to venture into all of these different outlets is writing. Being an author will always be the nearest and dearest to my heart. I am the author of fifteen books, three ghostwritten books, and I've produced three movies. My writing is real, raw, and untamed! Personally, I am a Georgia Peach through and through with a wonderful husband of over twenty years, and we have three amazing kiddos and one angel baby. 

Tell us about your featured book. 

    My featured book is Soldiers of Love: Beautiful Scars. I am the co-author of this book, with author N'Tyse.  

    Profoundly moving and nostalgic, Soldiers of Love: Beautiful Scars is a searing exploration of soul ties, love scars, second-chance romance, and the healing power of forgiveness. Inspired by real events, Soldiers is soul-stirring and perfect for fans of Seven Days in Juneand Before I Let Go.

    Liberty Mae Banks was her birth name, yet Zion called her Mrs. Forever . . .

    It took years and fistfuls of tears for Liberty to convince herself that Zion Malik Mitchell had been a figment of her imagination. She’d suppressed every memory to lessen the burn—and because it’s the proper thing to do once you’ve become another man’s wife. Now the mother, wife, and #SoldiersofLove relationship columnist for Love & Lifestyle magazine finds herself in a heartfelt tug of war when her childhood sweetheart, Zion, resurfaces.

    For Zion, Liberty had always been his peace and the one who got away. He needed her more than he was ever willing to admit, and while it’s often said that time heals all wounds, all time had done for Zion was rob him of a future with the love of his life. When tragedy strikes, Zion’s freedom is left hanging in the balance as he awaits sentencing. Plagued with guilt and fear, there’s only one person he trusts to help him through his most arduous battle ever—Liberty.

    Will Liberty sacrifice her picture-perfect life and rush to Zion’s side in hopes of healing and setting them both free, or will resurrecting their war-torn past open a Pandora’s box neither will be able to close?

Have you always wanted to be a writer?

 I don't think there's a "knowing" because I consider writing a gift; it just is. For as long as I can remember, I've always been a writer. It came as natural to me as breathing. I haven't always known that I wanted to be an author. I believe that is the difference. If I had never published a book, I would still be a writer. 

How do you develop your plot and characters?

    I use a character bible to develop my characters. This resource is the equivalent of building a real-life human being. It is my absolute go-to method for character development. For the plot, I use a basic outline, but I also give room for my creativity to blossom. In that way, I try not to over-plan. If I have the base, I allow the rest to flow naturally and tighten it up in the next drafts. 

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing?

    My full-time job involves different aspects of the literary world. Therefore, I'm sort of always immersed in it, if that makes sense. Ironically, that makes it a bit more difficult to set aside time just to write books, especially when I may be writing for my podcast, the column, or a screenplay. 

How do books get published?

    The short and sweet answer to "how do books get published" is this; Books can get published by two means through a publisher or independently. The difference between the two is that a publisher is responsible for all of the legwork that comes with publishing and distribution. As an indie author, all of that responsibility including the crafting of the book falls on the author. 

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

    Under my Untamed pseudo, I have written fifteen books. It's hard to narrow down a favorite because they are all mine. Each one was written with a different intention at heart. It's sort of like trying to choose a favorite child. I can't because they are all my babies. What I can give is why I love each. King's Suite and the Never Again, No More series were my first published books and series. So for that, it will always be special. In addition, these books were reflective of my and other women's experiences as young teen mothers. The View series was my first stab at romance, and I love the basis of the story which deals with communication and growth in marriage and infidelity. Before Ever After was based on my relationship before I met my husband, lol. Boss Queens was my first romance/mafia thriller, and it was written with one of my dearest friends, Author Timeless V. The Contract series was my first urban crime thriller and my first book co-written with a male author, my good friend, Author JC. Lastly, Soldiers of Love is inspired by real events, co-written with my former literary agent, and my first 90s romance. It took a lot of research and reflection to complete Soldiers and is one of my most compelling literary works to date. 

What are common traps for aspiring writers?

    Common traps for aspiring writers are thinking that hitting the bestsellers list and making tons of money happens instantly. Sure, there are some instances where this happens on the author's first book, however, oftentimes, it's the long game with publishing. Another common trap is not learning the business basics of publishing before getting into the industry. I often tell authors that writing is the creative side of your journey. Publishing is the business side. Learn the business as much as you practice your craft. 

What is your writing Kryptonite?

    Music is my writing kryptonite. If I hear music while I'm writing, I'm guaranteed to get distracted. I'll find myself dancing or singing or worse writing the lyrics to the songs. It's terrible! I do listen to music to set the mood, but once I start writing, I like complete silence.  

What would you like to say to your readers? 

    I'd like to tell my readers... THANK YOU first and foremost. Without you, my writing would be merely words on a page. You all give them legs and life. I appreciate the ones who my work resonates with and even the ones who gave me a chance and didn't care for my writing. Both give me room to grow and learn who my audience is. If you haven't ever rocked with me, I'd love it if you'd give my work a shot and let me know what you think. Lastly, my entire catalog is available directly for sale in paperback through my website, or via retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Walmart. 

Follow Author Untamed on the following social media outlets:
Amazon Author Page- Author Untamed Author Untamed
Facebook- Author Untamed
Twitter – Author Untamed
Instagram – Author Untamed
YouTube- Author Untamed

Books can be purchased at the following websites: 

Author Catalog

Profoundly moving and nostalgic, Soldiers of Love: Beautiful Scars is a searing exploration of soul ties, love scars, second-chance romance, and the healing power of forgiveness. Inspired by real events, Soldiers is soul-stirring and perfect for fans of Seven Days in June and Before I Let Go.

Liberty Mae Banks was her birth name, yet Zion called her Mrs. Forever....  

It took years and fistfuls of tears for Liberty to convince herself that Zion Malik Mitchell had been a figment of her imagination. She’d suppressed every memory to lessen the burn—and because it’s the proper thing to do once you’ve become another man’s wife. Now the mother, wife, and #SoldiersofLove relationship columnist for Love & Lifestyle magazine finds herself in a heartfelt tug of war when her childhood sweetheart, Zion, resurfaces.  

For Zion, Liberty had always been his peace and the one who got away. He needed her more than he was ever willing to admit, and while it’s often said that time heals all wounds, all time had done for Zion was rob him of a future with the love of his life. When tragedy strikes, Zion’s freedom is left hanging in the balance as he awaits sentencing. Plagued with guilt and fear, there’s only one person he trusts to help him through his most arduous battle ever—Liberty.  

Will Liberty sacrifice her picture-perfect life and rush to Zion’s side in hopes of healing and setting them both free, or will resurrecting their war-torn past open a Pandora’s box neither will be able to close?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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